
Traditional wildlife charities generally focus on wildlife and not on people. Because it is local people who ultimately make the decision to conserve wildlife or not, Wildlife Guardian funds projects that save wildlife but also address the larger community issues that stand in the way of wildlife conservation, and we thus create a strong connection between the community’s sense of “ownership” of local wildlife and their own long-term well-being.

Projects should create innovative, sustainable solutions to improve the livelihoods of impoverished African peoples via benefits gained through wildlife conservation. Typically the tribes have retained strong cultural values that are consistent with preserving wildlife and the environment for future generations, and successful proposals will utilize these cultural and traditional values to empower tribal communities to invest in the protection of their wildlife as a livelihood strategy, so as to improve the community's overall quality of life now and in the future.

Wildlife Guardian funded projects draw their strength from using indigenous culture and traditional knowledge rather than attempting to change the culture.

If your proposal is consistent with the above guidelines, the first step is to submit a letter of inquiry. We accept letters of inquiry year around. Letters of inquiry should be mailed to:

Wildlife Guardians

P.O. Box 2378

Alexandria, VA 22301